46 岁的伯明翰男子伊恩·埃弗雷特·达帕 (Ian Everett D'Arpa) 因试图抢劫胡佛信用合作社而被捕,但未能拿到任何钱。 Birmingham man Ian Everett D'Arpa, 46, was arrested for attempting to rob a Hoover credit union, but failed to obtain any money.
46 岁的伯明翰男子伊恩·埃弗雷特·达帕 (Ian Everett D'Arpa) 周一因试图抢劫胡佛信用合作社而被捕。 A Birmingham man, Ian Everett D'Arpa, 46, was arrested on Monday after attempting to rob a Hoover credit union. 下午 5 点左右,911 急救中心接到电话称因弗内斯中心大道 (Inverness Centre Pkwy) 的一家信用合作社发生抢劫未遂事件。 At around 5 p.m., the 911 dispatch received a call about the attempted robbery at a credit union on Inverness Center Pkwy. 据报道,达帕向银行员工表示,他携带武器并索要大笔资金。 D'Arpa reportedly indicated to the bank employees that he was armed and demanded a large sum of money. 然而,他没能拿到钱,只能徒步离开银行。 However, he failed to obtain any money and left the bank on foot. 警方根据目击者提供的描述确认了达帕的身份,并于不久后逮捕了他。 Police identified D'Arpa based on the description provided by witnesses and arrested him shortly after.