因持械抢劫、袭击帮凶和拒捕而在I-69附近被捕的男子。 Man arrested near I-69 after committing armed robbery, attacking helpers, and resisting arrest.
在Marshall镇I-69附近发现一名来自St. Clair Shores的37岁男子醉酒不合作后被捕。 A 37-year-old man from St. Clair Shores was arrested after he was found intoxicated and uncooperative near I-69 in Marshall Township. 当局发现他在Galesburg实施武装抢劫。 Authorities discovered he had committed an armed robbery in Galesburg. 他袭击了数名试图帮助他的人,并拒捕、殴打议员和医院工作人员。 He attacked multiple people who tried to help him and resisted arrest, assaulting deputies and hospital staff. 在他的车里发现了被盗物品和抢劫中使用的武器。 Stolen items and the weapon used in the robbery were found in his car. 他因多项罪名被关押在Calhoun县监狱。 He is held in Calhoun County Jail on multiple charges.