爱立信研究中心与印度统计研究所签署谅解备忘录。 Ericsson Research and Indian Statistical Institute signs MoU.
爱立信研究中心和印度统计研究所 (ISI) 签署了一份为期三年的合作谅解备忘录 (MoU),重点关注安全可靠的网络物理系统 (CPS)。 Ericsson Research and the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for a three-year collaboration, focusing on secure and dependable Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). 作为协议的一部分,爱立信研究中心将支持并参与 ISI 的各种研究活动,创建一个名为网络物理系统中心 (C-CPS) 的联合研究中心。 As part of the agreement, Ericsson Research will support and participate in various research activities with ISI, creating a joint research center called the Center for Cyber-Physical Systems (C-CPS). C-CPS 旨在促进可持续和值得信赖的 CPS 的基础和应用研究,目标是在印度生态系统中快速部署人工智能和 CPS。 The C-CPS aims to foster both fundamental and applied research in sustainable and trustworthy CPS, with the goal of rapidly deploying AI and CPS within the Indian ecosystem.