Tata咨询服务公司和IIT Kharagpur发起了一个数字健康和机器人研究中心。 Tata Consultancy Services and IIT Kharagpur launch a research center for digital health and robotics.
塔塔咨询服务公司(TCS)与IIT Kharagpur合作,启动了一个以数字健康、机器人和智能系统为重点的先进研究中心。 Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has teamed up with IIT Kharagpur to launch an advanced research center focusing on digital health, robotics, and intelligent systems. 中心位于IIT Kharagpur的研究园,拥有三个实验室,将有150多名TCS科学家从事边缘计算和AI等尖端技术工作。 Located at IIT Kharagpur’s research park, the center features three labs and will host over 150 TCS scientists working on cutting-edge technologies like edge computing and AI. 合作的目的是应对医疗保健和自动化方面的挑战。 The collaboration aims to tackle challenges in healthcare and automation.