印度加入联合国大数据委员会,目的是使国家统计数据现代化,改进决策。 India joins UN Big Data committee, aiming to modernize stats and improve policy decisions.
印度已成为联合国官方统计用大数据和数据科学委员会成员,强调印度在全球统计工作中的作用越来越大。 India has become a member of the UN Committee on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics, highlighting its growing role in global statistical efforts. 作为成员,印度将帮助制定在官方统计中使用大数据国际标准,整合卫星图像和IoT等创新数据来源,以提高数据准确性并支持政策决定。 As a member, India will help set international standards for using Big Data in official statistics, integrating innovative data sources like satellite imagery and IoT to improve data accuracy and support policy decisions. 此举旨在使印度的统计系统现代化,并加强其循证治理的能力。 This move aims to modernize India's statistical systems and enhance its capacity for evidence-based governance.