菲律宾圣何塞德尔蒙特圣灰星期三礼拜期间教堂阳台倒塌。 Church balcony collapse during Ash Wednesday service in San Jose del Monte, Philippines.
菲律宾圣灰星期三礼拜期间教堂阳台倒塌,造成 50 多人受伤。 Over 50 individuals were injured due to a church balcony collapse during Ash Wednesday service in the Philippines. 这起事件发生在马尼拉附近圣何塞德尔蒙特市的圣彼得使徒教堂,据称当时木地板在大约 400 名信徒的压力下塌陷。 The incident happened at the Saint Peter the Apostle church in the city of San Jose del Monte, near Manila, when the floor made of wood allegedly gave way under the pressure of around 400 worshippers. 一名80岁的妇女受重伤,其他人受轻伤。 An 80-year-old woman was critically injured, while others suffered minor injuries. 倒塌原因估计是超载所致。 The cause of the collapse is estimated to be overloading.