前美国驻玻利维亚大使对为古巴从事间谍活动的指控表示无罪。 Former US Ambassador to Bolivia pleaded not guilty to charges of spying for Cuba .
前美国驻玻利维亚大使维克多·曼努埃尔·罗查(Victor Manuel Rocha)对他为古巴情报机构从事间谍活动四十年的指控表示不认罪。 Former U.S. ambassador to Bolivia, Victor Manuel Rocha, has pleaded not guilty to charges that he spied for Cuba's intelligence agency for four decades. 罗查于12月1日被捕,并于12月5日被联邦大陪审团起诉。 Rocha, who was arrested on December 1, was indicted by a federal grand jury on December 5. 他面临欺骗美国、充当外国政府非法代理人以及做出虚假陈述以获得和使用美国护照的指控。 He faces charges of defrauding the United States, acting as an illegal agent of a foreign government, and making false statements to obtain and use a U.S. passport.