一架轻型飞机在马来西亚雪兰莪州巴生加帕尔坠毁,机上包括飞行员在内的 2 人。 A light aircraft crashed in Kapar, Klang, Selangor State, Malaysia, with 2 onboard, including the pilot.
一架轻型飞机在马来西亚雪兰莪州巴生市加埔坠毁。 A light aircraft crashed in Kapar, Klang of Selangor State in Malaysia. 事故发生时,飞机上有包括飞行员在内的两人。 Two people, including the pilot, were onboard the aircraft during the crash. 马来西亚民航局证实,坠机事件中包括飞行员在内的两人在飞机上。 The Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia confirmed that two people, including the pilot, were onboard the aircraft during the crash. 他们的条件还有待确认。 Their conditions are yet to be confirmed. 交通运输部航空事故调查局将对事件进行调查。 The Air Accident Investigation Bureau under the Ministry of Transport will investigate the incident.