Jadestone Energy 参与了 Woodside 西澳大利亚海上马其顿和大比利牛斯项目销售的投标过程,该项目由摩根士丹利管理。 Jadestone Energy participates in Woodside's bid process for Macedon and Greater Pyrenees projects sale offshore Western Australia, managed by Morgan Stanley.
Jadestone Energy 确认参与拟议出售 Woodside 在西澳大利亚海上马其顿和大比利牛斯项目权益的投标过程。 Jadestone Energy confirms its participation in the bid process for the proposed sale of Woodside's interest in the Macedon and Greater Pyrenees projects offshore Western Australia. 此次投标过程由摩根士丹利管理,涉及收购伍德赛德在马其顿天然气田和比利牛斯地区的权益。 The bid process is managed by Morgan Stanley and relates to the acquisition of Woodside's interests in the Macedon producing gas field and the Pyrenees Area. 如果 Jadestone 被选中并同意收购条款,则该收购将被归类为反向收购交易。 If Jadestone is selected and agrees on acquisition terms, the acquisition would be classified as a reverse takeover transaction.