Chevron Woodside能源互换资产,Chevron向Woodside支付高达400万美元的现金。 Chevron and Woodside Energy swap assets, with Chevron paying up to $400M in cash to Woodside.
Woodside Energy和Chevron已经同意进行资产交换,简化Woodside的商业结构,使投资者受益。 Woodside Energy and Chevron have agreed to an asset swap that simplifies Woodside's business structure and benefits investors. 伍德赛德将出售雪佛龙在 Wheatstone 和 Julimar-Brunello 项目中的权益,同时从雪佛龙收购 NWS 和 Angel CCS 项目的权益。 Woodside will sell Chevron its interests in the Wheatstone and Julimar-Brunello Projects, while acquiring interests in the NWS and Angel CCS Projects from Chevron. Chevron也将向Woodside支付多达4亿美元的现金。 Chevron will also pay Woodside up to $400 million in cash.