公元前 该镇承诺对化石燃料公司提起集体诉讼。 B.C. town commits to class-action lawsuit against fossil fuel companies.
不列颠哥伦比亚省夸里科姆海滩镇已承诺与该省其他市政府合作,对特定的全球化石燃料公司提起集体诉讼,以收回与气候变化相关的成本。 The Town of Qualicum Beach in British Columbia has committed to collaborate with other municipal governments in the province to pursue a class-action lawsuit against specific global fossil fuel companies in order to recover costs related to climate change. 该决定是在 2 月 7 日的议会会议上做出的,但并未获得一致通过,议员斯科特·哈里森 (Scott Harrison) 投了反对票。 The decision, made during a council meeting on February 7, was not unanimous, as Councillor Scott Harrison voted against it. 该镇的承诺包括居民每人为诉讼捐款一美元,但这取决于获得法律意见以建立坚实的法律基础,并确认 BC 省其他城市也将加入,承诺总共至少捐款 50 万美元。 The town's commitment involves residents contributing one dollar each to the lawsuit, though this is contingent upon obtaining a legal opinion to establish a solid legal foundation and confirm that other BC municipalities will also join, pledging at least $500,000 combined.