SAP 监事会提名主席 Hasso Plattner 的潜在继任者。 SAP Supervisory Board nominates potential successor to Chairman Hasso Plattner.
SAP 监事会已提名 Pekka Ala-Pietilä 为董事长 Hasso Plattner 的潜在继任者,等待下一届年度股东大会的两年任期选举。 The SAP Supervisory Board has nominated Pekka Ala-Pietilä as the potential successor to Chairman Hasso Plattner, pending a two-year term election at the next Annual General Meeting. Ala-Pietilä 曾在 SAP 监事会任职,在欧洲创新和技术方面拥有深厚的背景。 Ala-Pietilä, who previously served on the SAP Supervisory Board, has a strong background in European innovation and technology. 他的提名是在 Punit Renjen 和 SAP 由于对 SAP 监事会主席角色的看法不同而双方同意分道扬镳之后提出的。 His nomination comes after Punit Renjen and SAP mutually agreed to part ways due to a difference in perspective on the role of the SAP Supervisory Board chair.