Deutsche Börse监督委员会主席Martin Jetter计划在2025年后辞职。 Martin Jetter, Deutsche Börse Supervisory Board Chairman, plans to resign after 2025 AGM.
Deutsche Börse监督委员会主席Martin Jetter计划在2025年年度大会之后辞职。 Martin Jetter, Chairman of Deutsche Börse's Supervisory Board, plans to resign after the 2025 Annual General Meeting. 他于2018年被任命,2020年担任主席,在决定中将公司稳定的人员和商业状况作为因素。 Appointed in 2018 and chairman since 2020, he cited the company's stabilized personnel and business situation as factors in his decision. Jetter在任职期间成功地应对了各种挑战,认为该公司现在对未来有很好的定位。 Jetter has successfully navigated various challenges during his tenure and believes the company is now well-positioned for the future.