肯尼亚总统提名警察监督和行政司法机构的新主席。 Kenya's President nominates new chairs for police oversight and administrative justice bodies.
威廉·鲁托总统已提名IEBC前主席艾哈迈德·伊萨克·哈桑担任新的IPOA主席。 President William Ruto has nominated Ahmed Issack Hassan, former IEBC Chair, as the new IPOA Chair. Hassan具有30年的国际法律经验,加入了一个七人委员会,目的是提高警察标准。 Hassan, with 30 years of legal experience internationally, joins a seven-member board aimed at improving police standards. 此外,查尔斯·奥林达·杜洛被提名接替佛罗伦萨·卡朱朱担任行政司法委员会新主席。 Additionally, Charles Orinda Dulo has been nominated as the new Chair of the Commission on Administrative Justice, succeeding Florence Kajuju. 两名被提名人如果得到国民议会的确认,任期六年。 Both nominees, if confirmed by the National Assembly, will serve a six-year term.