洛夫洛克人质桥承认加沙的以色列人质。 Lovelock Hostage Bridge to recognise Israeli hostages in Gaza.
洛夫洛克人质桥是伦敦北部的一个新艺术装置,于 2024 年 2 月 12 日开放,以纪念在加沙被扣押的以色列人质。 The Lovelock Hostage Bridge, a new art installation in north London, was opened on 2024-02-12, to commemorate Israeli hostages held in Gaza. 它由艺术家 Marcel Knobil 创建,位于犹太社区中心 JW3 外。 Created by artist Marcel Knobil, it is located outside JW3, a Jewish community center. 这座桥由 100 个挂锁组成,每个挂锁上都刻有 10 月 7 日遇难者的名字,还有一些留空以代表遇难者。 The bridge is made up of 100 padlocks, each inscribed with the names of those taken on October 7, with some left blank to represent those who have died. 该装置旨在表达对人质的爱和团结,并鼓励公众将签名的挂锁寄到桥上。 The installation aims to show love and solidarity for the hostages, and members of the public are encouraged to send their signed padlocks to be added to the bridge.