约旦河西岸自由剧院的工作人员被拘留,该建筑在以色列军事袭击中被洗劫一空。 West Bank's Freedom Theatre staff were detained, and the building was ransacked during an Israeli military raid.
一部关于以色列监狱的黑色喜剧在约旦河西岸的自由剧院上演,由于该剧院从希望的象征变成了战争的受害者,因此遭到强烈反对。 A dark comedy about Israeli jails, performed at the West Bank's Freedom Theatre, has faced backlash as the theatre shifts from a symbol of hope to a casualty of war. 该剧院的工作人员在以色列的军事袭击中被拘留,剧院被洗劫一空,进一步说明了该地区所遭受的暴力和冲突。 The theatre's staff has been detained in an Israeli military raid, with the building ransacked, further illustrating the violence and strife plaguing the region. 该剧改编自 1973 年的一部阿拉伯语作品,背景设定在种族隔离时期的南非,描绘了被以色列监禁的巴勒斯坦人,揭示了这些人所面临的现实。 The play, an Arabic adaptation of a 1973 production set in apartheid-era South Africa, portrayed Palestinians imprisoned in Israel, shedding light on the realities faced by these individuals.