最昂贵和最实惠的狗品种揭晓。 Most expensive and affordable dog breeds to own revealed.
Sambla 最近的一项分析显示,最昂贵的犬种是藏獒,平均一生成本为 31,530 英镑。 A recent analysis by Sambla has revealed that the most expensive dog breed to own is the Tibetan Mastiff, with an average lifetime cost of £31,530. 其次是纽芬兰犬(28,332 英镑)和獒犬(27,330 英镑)。 This is followed by the Newfoundland at £28,332 and the Mastiff at £27,330. 另一方面,最便宜的犬种是帕特代尔梗犬(5,763 英镑)、边境梗犬(6,365 英镑)和杰克罗素犬(7,623 英镑)。 On the other hand, the most affordable dog breeds are the Patterdale Terrier at £5,763, the Border Terrier at £6,365, and the Jack Russell at £7,623. 该分析考虑了初始购买价格、年度食品和保险费用以及疫苗等一次性费用等因素。 The analysis took into account factors such as initial purchase price, annual food and insurance costs, and one-off expenses like vaccines. 它强调了在欢迎新宠物进入家庭时考虑特定品种成本的重要性。 It highlights the importance of considering breed-specific costs when welcoming a new pet into one's family.