OC Transpo 正在调查西维尔站一根电线杆产生的火花,导致联邦线在单轨上运行。 OC Transpo investigates sparks from a pole at Cyrville Station, causing Confederation Line to run on single track.
OC Transpo 正在调查据报道的西尔维尔站附近联邦线架空电线的问题。 OC Transpo is investigating a reported issue with the overhead wires of the Confederation Line near Cyrville Station. 周五晚上,一名铁路运营商观察到火花,这可能损坏了架空接触网系统中的绝缘体。 A rail operator observed sparks on Friday night, which may have damaged an insulator in the overhead catenary system. 因此,联邦线将在圣洛朗站和布莱尔站之间的单轨上运行。 As a result, the Confederation Line will run on a single track between St-Laurent and Blair stations. 调查仍在进行中,服务基本不受影响。 The investigation is ongoing, and service is largely unaffected.