三名荷兰徒步旅行者(母亲、女儿和儿子)在瑞士沃州的 Rochers-de-Naye 山附近发生徒步旅行事故后被发现死亡;他们于周四失踪后开始搜寻。 Three Dutch hikers, a mother, daughter, and son, were found dead near Rochers-de-Naye mountain in Vaud, Switzerland, after a hiking accident; search began following their disappearance on Thursday.
三名荷兰公民在瑞士西部一次明显的徒步旅行事故后被发现死亡。 Three Dutch citizens have been found dead in western Switzerland after an apparent hiking accident. 这位 57 岁的妇女、她 25 岁的女儿和 22 岁的儿子周三出发去徒步旅行,此后就杳无音讯。 The 57-year-old woman, her 25-year-old daughter, and her 22-year-old son had set off on a hike on Wednesday and had not been heard from since then. 周四发起了大规模搜索行动,周五早上在沃州 Rochers-de-Naye 山附近一条陡峭小路下方约 300 米处发现了三人的尸体。 A large-scale search operation was launched on Thursday, and the bodies of all three were found on Friday morning approximately 300 meters below a steep path near the Rochers-de-Naye mountain in the canton of Vaud. 母女俩在瑞士度假,儿子住在该地区。 The mother and daughter were on vacation in Switzerland, while the son lived in the region. 根据瑞士隐私规定,受害者的姓名未被透露。 In accordance with Swiss privacy rules, the victims were not identified by name.