发现尸体 寻找两名失踪的英国徒步旅行者 在意大利多洛米特自新年以来在意大利多洛米特斯。 Body found in search for two missing British hikers in Italian Dolomites since New Year's Day.
在寻找两名在户外有经验的英国徒步旅行者时发现了一具尸体。 A body was found during the search for two British hikers, experienced in the outdoors, who went missing in the Italian Dolomites since New Year's Day. 远足者因冒险离开网格而闻名 他们没有返回他们的航班 引起警钟 The hikers were known for venturing off the grid and didn't return for their flight, raising alarm. 不清楚尸体是否属于失踪的徒步者之一 It's unclear if the body belongs to one of the missing hikers.