瑞士提契诺州和瓦莱州发生洪水和山体滑坡,造成 4 人死亡,2 人失踪。 4 people died and 2 are missing in Switzerland due to floods and landslides in Ticino and Valais cantons.
猛烈的雷暴和融雪引发的洪水和山体滑坡导致瑞士 4 人死亡,2 人失踪,尤其是在南部的提契诺州和瓦莱州。 4 people died and 2 are missing in Switzerland due to floods and landslides caused by violent thunderstorms and melting snow, particularly in the southern cantons of Ticino and Valais. 提契诺州马贾山谷发生的山体滑坡造成三人死亡,另一名男子在瓦莱州萨斯格伦德的一家酒店内被发现死亡。 Three victims were killed in a landslide in Ticino's Maggia valley, and another man was found dead in a hotel in Saas-Grund, Valais. 提契诺州仍有两人失踪,瓦莱州还有一名男子失踪。 Two people are still missing in Ticino, and another man is missing in Valais.