魁北克政府计划耗资 8.7 亿美元修复奥林匹克体育场的屋顶,以振兴东区,并计划在 10 年内实现 1.5 亿美元的旅游业和赛事收入。 Quebec govt plans $870M Olympic Stadium roof repair for revitalized east end, projects $1.5B tourism, event revenue over 10 years.
魁北克政府计划投资 8.7 亿加元修复奥林匹克体育场的屋顶,作为振兴蒙特利尔东区行动计划的一部分。 The Quebec government plans to invest $870 million in repairing the Olympic Stadium's roof as part of an action plan to revitalize Montreal's east end. 新屋顶计划从今年夏天开始,为期四年的建设期,将是固定的、刚性的,并配有透明玻璃箍,可以提供更多的日光和夜空的景色。 The new roof, scheduled for a four-year construction period beginning this summer, will be fixed, rigid, and feature a transparent glass hoop, allowing more daylight and a view of the night sky. 政府预计,焕然一新的体育场将在 10 年内吸引更大的活动,并从旅游业和其他来源创造高达 15 亿美元的收入。 The government expects the revitalized stadium to attract larger events and generate up to $1.5 billion from tourism and other sources over 10 years.