土耳其宇航员阿尔珀·古泽拉夫奇 (Alper Güzeravci) 和团队完成了为期三周的国际空间站私人旅行,并乘坐 SpaceX 太空舱安全返回佛罗里达州附近的大西洋。 Turkish astronaut Alper Güzeravci and team completed a three-week private trip to the ISS, returning safely in a SpaceX capsule in the Atlantic Ocean off Florida.
来自土耳其、意大利和瑞典的宇航员最近结束了为期三周的国际空间站私人之旅。 Astronauts from Turkey, Italy, and Sweden recently concluded a three-week private trip to the International Space Station. 该团队乘坐 SpaceX 太空舱安全返回,并跳伞进入佛罗里达州海岸附近的大西洋。 The team returned safely in a SpaceX capsule, which parachuted into the Atlantic Ocean off of the coast of Florida. 土耳其在一月份庆祝了 Alper Gezeravci 的升空,使他成为该国第一位宇航员。 Turkey celebrated the launch of Alper Gezeravci in January, making him their country's first astronaut. 与格泽拉夫齐一起执行任务的还有意大利空军上校沃尔特·维拉迪 (Walter Villadei)、瑞典前战斗机飞行员马库斯·旺特 (Marcus Wandt) 以及目前在 Axiom Space 工作的美国宇航局退役宇航员迈克尔·洛佩兹-阿莱格里亚 (Michael Lopez-Alegria)。 Along with Gezeravci, the mission included Italian Air Force Col. Walter Villadei, Swedish former fighter pilot Marcus Wandt, and retired NASA astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria, now working with Axiom Space.