土耳其的第一颗国内通信卫星Türksat 6A到达轨道,增强了土耳其的空间能力。 Turkey's first domestic communication satellite, Türksat 6A, reached its orbit, boosting the country's space capabilities.
土耳其第一颗国内生产的通信卫星Türksat 6A在7月从Florida的SpaceX设施发射后,已成功到达指定轨道。 Turkey's first domestically produced communication satellite, Türksat 6A, has successfully reached its designated orbit after being launched from SpaceX's facility in Florida in July. 预计该卫星经进一步测试后将于2025年初开始运作。 The satellite is expected to start operations in early 2025 following further testing. 这一成就被视为土耳其空间方案的一个重大步骤,加强了土耳其在空间活动中的通信基础设施和国际作用。 This achievement is seen as a significant step for Turkey's space program, enhancing its communication infrastructure and international role in space activities.