谢菲尔德枪击案中一名 16 岁女孩被杀,据信不是预定目标;正在调查。 16-year-old girl killed in Sheffield shooting, not believed to be intended target; ongoing investigation.
谢菲尔德枪击案造成一名 16 岁女孩死亡;警方认为她不是预定目标。 16-year-old girl killed in Sheffield shooting; police believe she was not the intended target. 这名少年在阿拉巴马州谢菲尔德被发现遭受枪伤,随后在海伦凯勒医院去世。 The teenager was found with a gunshot wound in Sheffield, Alabama, and later died at Helen Keller Hospital. 谢菲尔德警察局正在对该事件进行调查,并请求公众协助收集信息。 The Sheffield Police Department is treating the incident as an ongoing investigation and has requested public assistance in gathering information. 受害者就读于佛罗伦萨高中。 The victim attended Florence High School.