发现新的斯氏线虫物种,在温暖、潮湿的环境中无需农药即可保护作物。 New Steinernema adamsi nematode species discovered, protecting crops without pesticides in warm, humid environments.
加州大学河滨分校的研究人员发现了一种新的线虫物种——斯氏线虫,它可以感染并杀死昆虫。 Researchers from the University of California, Riverside have discovered a new species of nematode, Steinernema adamsi, which can infect and kill insects. 这种微小的蠕虫有潜力在温暖、潮湿的环境中控制农作物害虫,而其他有益线虫目前无法在这些环境中繁衍生息。 This microscopic worm has the potential to manage crop pests in warm, humid environments where other beneficial nematodes do not currently thrive. 这些蠕虫以美国生物学家拜伦·亚当斯 (Byron Adams) 的名字命名,它们会释放致病细菌来帮助杀死宿主,并且可能有助于在商业线虫尚未成功的环境中控制害虫。 Named after American biologist Byron Adams, these worms release pathogenic bacteria to help kill their host and could be beneficial in controlling pests in environments where commercially available nematodes have not been successful.