Evansville的父亲因忽视导致他11个月的儿子死亡而被判有罪,当时有芬太尼在场。 Evansville father found guilty of neglect leading to death of his 11-month-old son with fentanyl present.
埃文斯维尔的泰勒·菲舍尔 (Taylor Fischer) 被判为疏忽导致他11个月大的儿子卡森 (Carsen) 死亡的罪祸首, Taylor Fischer, an Evansville father, has been found guilty of neglect resulting in the death of his 11-month-old son, Carsen, who was found with fentanyl and other drugs in his system. Fischer面临多重指控,包括持有毒品,12月20日将判刑。 Fischer faces multiple charges including drug possession and is set for sentencing on December 20. 婴儿的母亲Kaytlen Dossett计划在12月2日举行听证会。 The baby's mother, Kaytlen Dossett, has a hearing scheduled for December 2.