作为上诉程序的一部分,西班牙高等法院暂停对亚马逊和苹果因反垄断共谋而处以的 2.09 亿美元罚款。 Spain's high court suspends $209m in fines on Amazon & Apple over antitrust collusion, as part of appeal process.
西班牙高等法院暂停了该国反垄断监管机构 CNMC 对苹果和亚马逊征收的总计 2.09 亿美元的罚款。 Spain's high court has suspended fines totaling $209 million imposed on Apple and Amazon by the country's antitrust watchdog, CNMC. 这两家科技巨头正在对 7 月份的罚款提出上诉,这些罚款涉嫌串谋阻止第三方经销商在亚马逊西班牙网站上销售苹果产品。 The tech giants are appealing the fines, which were issued in July for their alleged collusion to prevent third-party dealers from selling Apple products on Amazon's websites in Spain. 法院暂停付款的决定是正在进行的上诉程序的一部分。 The court's decision to suspend the payment is part of the ongoing appeal process. 它不预测科技公司最终会赢还是输。 It does not anticipate whether the tech companies will ultimately win or lose their case.