新西兰一名患有前列腺癌的男子因医疗中心疏忽检测 PSA 水平而导致前列腺癌扩散,侵犯了健康和残疾服务消费者的权利。 Man with prostate cancer in New Zealand suffered from spread due to medical center's negligence in detecting PSA levels, breaching Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights.
新西兰一名男子于 2016 年被诊断出患有前列腺癌,由于医疗中心未能针对检测到的 PSA 水平采取行动,导致癌症扩散。 A man in New Zealand, diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2016, experienced the cancer spreading due to the medical centre's failure to act on detectable PSA levels. 老年护理专员发现为该男子提供的护理和沟通标准存在缺陷,并得出结论认为该医疗中心违反了《健康和残疾服务消费者权利守则》。 The Aged Care Commissioner found deficiencies in the standard of care and communication provided to the man and concluded that the medical centre breached the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights. 改进建议包括为前列腺切除术后患者建立双重召回系统,以及使用患者门户来传达测试结果。 Recommendations for improvement include the establishment of a double recall system for post-prostatectomy patients, and the use of a patient portal for communicating test results.