林奇堡已关闭的男孩女孩俱乐部发生单车相撞事故,司机正在接受急救,没有其他受伤报告;调查正在进行中。 A single-vehicle crash occurred at the closed Boys and Girls Club in Lynchburg, with the driver receiving first aid and no other injuries reported; investigation ongoing.
周五晚上,林奇堡的男孩女孩俱乐部发生了一起单车相撞事故。 A single-vehicle crash occurred at the Boys and Girls Club in Lynchburg on Friday night. 司机是车上唯一的乘客,在麦迪逊街 1101 号俱乐部撞到墙壁后接受了医护人员的急救。 The driver, the only occupant of the car, received first aid from medics after striking a wall at the club, located at 1101 Madison Street. 幸运的是,当时俱乐部已经关闭,没有其他伤病报告。 Fortunately, the club was closed at the time and no other injuries were reported. 林奇堡警察局的交通安全部门正在调查事故原因,并要求目击者或有行车记录仪录像的人与他们联系。 The Lynchburg Police Department's Traffic Safety Unit is investigating the cause of the crash and is asking witnesses or those with dashcam footage to contact them.