6人受伤,1人在夏洛特发生严重车祸后死亡;道路已关闭供调查。 Six injured, one dead after a serious car crash in Charlotte; road closed for investigation.
周六晚上9点30分 夏洛特东部发生了一场致命的车祸 A fatal car crash occurred in east Charlotte on Saturday night around 9:30 pm on W.T. 三角洲登陆路附近的Harris大道 Harris Boulevard near Delta Landing Road. 6人受伤,其中至少5人受重伤。 Six individuals were injured, with at least five having serious injuries. 夏洛特-梅克伦堡警察局正在调查这一事件,不过尚未透露死者原因和身份的详细情况。 The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department is investigating the incident, though details on the cause and identity of the deceased are not yet disclosed. 道路被暂时关闭,以便进行调查。 The road was temporarily closed for the investigation.