夏洛特的一场深夜车祸导致一人死亡,一人受伤,危及生命。 A late-night crash in Charlotte left one dead and another with life-threatening injuries.
12月14日在6街和Brevard街交汇处的上城Charlotte深夜失事,导致一人死亡,另一人严重受伤。 A late-night crash on December 14 in Uptown Charlotte at the intersection of 6th Street and Brevard Street left one person dead and another seriously injured. 受伤者被送往当地一家医院,伤势危及生命。 The injured person was taken to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries. Charlotte-Mecklenburg警察局正在进行调查,但原因和潜在指控尚不得而知。 The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department is investigating, but the cause and potential charges are not yet known.