“自鸣钟:中国紫禁城的钟表珍品”展览于6月2日在伦敦科学博物馆开幕,展出了23件中国机械钟。 "Zimingzhong: Clockwork Treasures from China's Forbidden City" exhibition, showcasing 23 Chinese mechanical clocks, opened at London's Science Museum, running through June 2.
题为“紫明钟:中国紫禁城的钟表珍品”的展览在伦敦科学博物馆开幕,展出了从北京故宫博物院借来的23件金碧辉煌的机械钟,即“紫明钟”。 An exhibition titled "Zimingzhong: Clockwork Treasures from China's Forbidden City" has opened at the Science Museum in London, featuring 23 resplendent mechanical clocks, known as zimingzhong, on loan from the Palace Museum in Beijing. 展览将持续至 6 月 2 日,邀请参观者探索这些具有数百年历史的时计的美感和运作方式,以及它们在英中早期文化交流中的历史作用。 The exhibition runs through June 2, inviting visitors to explore the beauty and workings of these centuries-old timepieces and their historical role in early cultural exchanges between Britain and China.