51 岁的 Monica Svobodny 是 Sico, Inc. 的供应链和工程经理,她使用公司信用卡挪用了超过 100 万美元用于个人开支,被指控犯有电汇欺诈罪。 51-yr-old Monica Svobodny, a Supply Chain and Engineering Manager at Sico, Inc., embezzled $1M+ using company credit cards for personal expenses, charged with wire fraud.
51 岁的女性莫妮卡·斯沃博尼 (Monica Svobodny) 曾在明尼苏达州家具制造公司 Sico, Inc. 担任供应链和工程经理,被指控挪用超过 100 万美元。 A 51-year-old woman named Monica Svobodny, who worked as a Supply Chain and Engineering Manager at Sico, Inc., a furniture manufacturing company in Minnesota, has been accused of embezzling over $1 million. 据称,这些钱是通过使用公司信用卡用于个人开支,如名牌服装、水疗服务和豪华酒店住宿而被盗取的。 The money was allegedly taken through the use of company credit cards for personal expenses like designer clothing, spa services, and luxury hotel stays. 斯沃博德尼被指控犯有一项电信欺诈罪,正在等待她的第一次联邦法庭出庭。 Svobodny has been charged with one count of wire fraud and is awaiting her first federal court appearance.