2024 年,丽莎·罗兰 (Lisa Rowland) 因在通过窗户取钥匙时亮起胸部而走红,激发了 Home Bargains 幽默的钥匙安全广告并出现在 ITV 的《This Morning》节目中。 In 2024, Lisa Rowland went viral for flashing her chest while retrieving keys through a window, inspiring Home Bargains' humorous key safe ad and appearances on ITV's This Morning.
这篇文章讲述的是丽莎·罗兰 (Lisa Rowland) 的一段病毒视频,她在忘记钥匙后爬窗进入自己的房子。 The article is about a viral video featuring Lisa Rowland, who climbed through a window to gain entry to her house after forgetting her keys. 她被卡住了,最后暴露了她的胸部。 She got stuck and ended up exposing her chest. 该视频的浏览量已超过 2000 万次,丽莎和她的妹妹在《This Morning》节目中接受了采访。 The video has been viewed over 20 million times and Lisa was interviewed, along with her sister, on the show This Morning. Home Bargains 针对该视频做出了回应,提供了一款产品,以防止未来发生类似事件。 Home Bargains has responded to the video by providing a product to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.