研究人员发现,癌症产生的蛋白质 PNMA2 类似于病毒,会触发大脑中的免疫反应,导致记忆丧失和认知障碍。 Researchers found that cancer-produced protein PNMA2, resembling a virus, triggers immune response in the brain, causing memory loss and cognitive impairment.
犹他健康大学的研究人员发现,一些癌症可以产生一种类似于病毒的蛋白质,引发失控的免疫反应,可能会损害脑细胞。 Researchers at the University of Utah Health have discovered that some cancers can produce a protein that resembles a virus, triggering an out-of-control immune response that may harm brain cells. 这一发现解释了在抗 Ma2 副肿瘤神经综合征中观察到的快速记忆丧失和认知障碍,这是一种罕见但严重的癌症并发症,其中身体的免疫系统攻击大脑。 This discovery explains the rapid-onset memory loss and cognitive impairment observed in anti-Ma2 paraneoplastic neurological syndrome, a rare but serious complication of cancer in which the body's immune system attacks the brain. 这种名为 PNMA2 的蛋白质组装成病毒样结构,引发免疫反应,可能导致脑细胞损伤。 This protein, called PNMA2, assembles into a virus-like structure that initiates an immune reaction, potentially causing brain cell damage. 这项发表在《细胞》杂志上的研究提供了可能有助于指导未来治疗策略的新见解。 The study, published in Cell, provides new insights that might help direct future treatment strategies.