加拿大和美国研究人员在麦克马斯特大学辛格实验室的带领下,发现了癌症细胞用来渗入大脑的一条途径,并开发了针对血浆瘤的有前途的治疗方法。 Canadian & US researchers led by McMaster University's Singh Lab discovered a pathway used by cancer cells to infiltrate the brain and developed a promising therapy targeting glioblastoma.
由麦克马斯特大学辛格实验室领导的加拿大和美国研究人员发现了癌症细胞用来渗入大脑的一条途径,并开发了针对脑癌这一最具攻击性的脑癌形式的有希望的治疗方法。 Canadian & US researchers led by McMaster University's Singh Lab discovered a pathway used by cancer cells to infiltrate the brain and developed a promising therapy targeting glioblastoma, the most aggressive form of brain cancer. 该治疗在《自然医学》中发表,使用药物和CAR T细胞阻断路径,并显示恶性脑癌模式的积极结果。 The treatment, published in Nature Medicine, uses a drug & CAR T cells to block the pathway & showed positive results in malignant brain cancer models. 计划进行进一步发展和临床试验。 Further development and clinical trials are planned.