随着客户对植物性选择的需求不断增长,亨氏改变了烤豆配方。 Heinz alters baked beans recipe following growing customer demand for plant-based options.
亨氏对其烘焙豆产品线进行了调整,推出新口味以满足客户的高需求。 Heinz has made changes to its baked beans product line, introducing new flavors in response to high customer demand. 过去两年,近一半的消费者增加了豆类、豆类和豆类的摄入量,16-42 岁的消费者中也有类似比例选择植物性或弹性素食饮食。 Almost half of consumers have increased their intake of beans, pulses, and legumes over the past two years, with a similar proportion of 16-42-year-olds choosing plant-based or flexitarian diets. 营养学家 Hazel Wallace 博士赞扬豆类消费的增加,因为它们提供了植物性蛋白质和纤维的良好来源,而大多数英国人都缺乏这些。 Nutritionist Dr. Hazel Wallace praises the increased consumption of beans, as they provide a good source of plant-based protein and fiber, which most people in the UK lack.