校友和家长抗议纽因顿学院的决定。 Alumni and parents protest against Newington College’s decision.
悉尼一所著名男子学院的家长和校友在校外举行抗议活动,抗议学校首次招收女生的计划。 Parents and alumni of a prestigious Sydney boys' college have staged a protest outside the school over plans to take in girls for the first time. 纽因顿学院每年收费高达 42,201 美元,自 1863 年成立以来专门教授男孩,该学院于 11 月宣布打算将其从幼儿园到 12 年级的课程转向男女同校。 Newington College, which charges fees of up to $42,201 per year and has exclusively taught boys since its founding in 1863, announced its intention to shift to co-education across its kindergarten-to-year 12 program in November. 这一决定引起了一些家长和前学生的强烈反对,他们认为男女同校的转变代表了学校文化的不可接受的变化。 The decision has led to a fierce backlash among some parents and former students who argue that the move to co-education represents an unacceptable change to the school's culture.