Strathcona女孩文法学校购买和改建10所房屋引发澳洲Claremont公园社区冲突, Strathcona Girls Grammar School's purchase and conversion of 10 homes sparks neighborhood conflict in Claremont Park, Australia.
澳大利亚坎特伯雷(Canterbury)的Strathcona女子文法学校在购买了10所房屋、将一些房屋改建为学校设施以及租赁其他房屋后,引发了与Claremont公园庄园邻居的冲突。 Strathcona Girls Grammar School in Canterbury, Australia, has sparked conflict with its neighbors in Claremont Park estate after purchasing 10 homes, converting some into school facilities, and leasing others. 学校推翻了一项限制性的契约, 原本旨在透过法律上诉, 防止学校控制邻里。 The school overturned a restrictive covenant, originally set to prevent the school from dominating the neighborhood, through a legal appeal. 邻居指责学校侵蚀遗产并降低财产价值。 Neighbors accuse the school of eroding heritage and lowering property values.