下议院在假期后返回。 House of Commons returns after holidays.
在议会休会六周后,议员们返回渥太华,面临新的政治戏剧,包括联邦法院裁定政府使用《紧急状态法》不合理、国内对国际法院针对以色列案件的反应,以及即将进行的外国干涉调查。 After a six-week break from parliament, MPs return to Ottawa facing fresh political drama, including a federal court ruling the government's use of the Emergencies Act was unreasonable, the domestic response to the case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, and the upcoming foreign interference inquiry. 在少数派政府执政、反对党夹击的情况下,今年的政治格局预计将充满激烈的辩论和激烈的讨论。 With a minority government in power and opposition parties on the attack, the political landscape this year is expected to be crowded with fiery debates and intense discussions.