莫迪总理批评反对派在冬季会议前扰乱议会。 Prime Minister Modi criticizes opposition for disrupting Parliament ahead of the Winter Session.
总理纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi) 在议会冬季会议前批评反对派,指责他们为了政治利益扰乱程序。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi criticized the opposition ahead of the Winter Session of Parliament, accusing them of disrupting proceedings for political gains. 他指出,那些一再被选民拒绝的人正试图通过混乱来控制会议。 He noted that those repeatedly rejected by voters are attempting to control the session through chaos. 该会议将持续到 12 月 20 日,标志着印度宪法颁布 75 周年。 The session, running till December 20, marks the 75th year of India's Constitution. 预计将讨论包括 Waqf 修正案在内的关键法案。 Key bills, including the Waqf Amendment Bill, are expected to be discussed.