纽约州州长霍楚尔签署了《强奸就是强奸法案》。 New York Governor Hochul signs the Rape is Rape Act.
纽约州州长凯西·霍赫尔 (Kathy Hochul) 将《强奸就是强奸法案》签署为法律,扩大了纽约州对强奸的法律定义,将非自愿的肛交、口交和阴道性接触包括在内。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed the Rape is Rape Act into law, broadening the state's legal definition of rape to include nonconsensual anal, oral, and vaginal sexual contact. 之前的有限定义在作家 E. Jean Carroll 针对前总统唐纳德·特朗普的性虐待和诽谤案中发挥了作用。 The previous limited definition played a role in writer E. Jean Carroll's sexual abuse and defamation case against former President Donald Trump. 更新后的法律旨在让强奸受害者更容易提出案件并起诉肇事者,并将适用于 9 月 1 日或之后发生的性侵犯。 The updated law aims to make it easier for rape victims to bring cases forward and prosecute perpetrators, and will apply to sexual assaults committed on or after September 1st. 此外,更新后的定义预计将使 LGBTQ 群体受益,因为它承认性侵犯受害者的多样化经历并解决了之前法律的局限性。 Additionally, the updated definition is expected to benefit the LGBTQ community, as it recognizes the diverse experiences of sexual assault victims and addresses the limitations of the previous law.