博蒙特警方正在调查一起没有生命危险的枪击事件。 Beaumont police investigate a non-life-threatening shooting.
博蒙特警方正在调查周一凌晨发生在该市北部的一起枪击事件。 Beaumont police are investigating a shooting on the north side of the city that took place early Monday morning. 事件发生在云杉街500街区。 The incident occurred in the 500 block of Spruce Street. 一人被子弹擦伤受伤,但没有生命危险。 One person was injured after being grazed by a bullet, but the injuries were not life-threatening. 当局正在向目击者或任何了解该事件的任何人寻求任何信息,并要求他们致电德克萨斯州东南部的灭罪热线 (409) 833-TIPS 以获得匿名报告。 Authorities are seeking any information from witnesses or anyone else with knowledge of the event, and ask them to call Crime Stoppers of Southeast Texas at (409) 833-TIPS for an anonymous report. 举报人可能有资格获得现金奖励。 The informant might be eligible for a cash reward.