美国诗人学院收到梅隆基金会最大一笔 570 万美元的捐款,用于支持桂冠诗人和诗歌联盟提升美国诗人、学术和社区的水平。 The Academy of American Poets receives a $5.7M Mellon Foundation donation, its largest, to support Poet Laureates and Poetry Coalition in uplifting US poets, learning, and community.
美国诗人学院收到了安德鲁·W·梅隆基金会 (Andrew W. Mellon Foundation) 的 570 万美元捐款,这是该学院有史以来最大的一笔捐款。 The Academy of American Poets received a $5.7 million donation from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, its largest ever. 这些资金将支持桂冠诗人和诗歌联盟,这是一个由 30 多个致力于推广诗歌的组织组成的全国联盟。 The funds will support the Poet Laureates and the Poetry Coalition, a national alliance of over 30 organizations that work to promote poetry. 此次捐赠旨在提升美国各地的诗人及其作品,并促进不同背景和文化的读者之间的学习和社区。 The donation aims to uplift poets and their work across the United States and foster learning and community among readers of various backgrounds and cultures.