詹姆斯·帕特森基金会捐助75 000美元,用于维尔京群岛大学写作奖学金。 James Patterson's foundation donates $75,000 for writing scholarships at University of the Virgin Islands.
作者詹姆斯·帕特森领导的帕特森家庭基金会向维尔京群岛大学提供了75 000美元,提供10份2024-2025年书面和教学写作奖学金。 The Patterson Family Foundation, led by author James Patterson, has given $75,000 to the University of the Virgin Islands for 10 scholarships in writing and teaching writing for the 2024-2025 year. 每份奖学金价值7 500美元,用于资助一年级本科生和研究生。 Each scholarship is worth $7,500 and supports first-year undergraduate and graduate students. 这笔捐款与基金会促进全美扫盲和教育的努力是一致的。 This donation aligns with the foundation's efforts to promote literacy and education across the U.S.