威斯康星大学怀俄明州故事项目获得梅隆基金会拨款的支持。 The UW Wyoming Stories Project receives support from a Mellon Foundation grant.
怀俄明大学获得了梅隆基金会的巨额资助,该基金会将资助一个为期三年的项目,收集和存档怀俄明人的故事。 The University of Wyoming has received a significant grant from the Mellon Foundation, which will fund a three-year project to gather and archive stories of Wyomingites. 该项目“为变革的未来重新讲述西部:我们是怀俄明州”将让校园合作者和社区合作伙伴参与创建怀俄明州故事的活生生的公共档案。 The project, "Re-Storying the West for a Transformative Future: We Are Wyoming," will involve campus collaborators and community partners to create a living public archive of Wyoming stories.