两名男子因在纽约市发电厂附近储存幽灵枪和自制炸药而被起诉。 Two men indicted for NYC stockpile of ghost guns, homemade explosives near power plant.
安德鲁·哈齐亚吉利斯 (Andrew Hatziagelis) 和安吉洛·哈齐亚吉利斯 (Angelo Hatziagelis) 两兄弟因在纽约皇后区的公寓中发现大量幽灵枪和自制炸药而面临 130 多项指控。 Two brothers, Andrew and Angelo Hatziagelis, face over 130 charges in relation to an arsenal of ghost guns and homemade explosives discovered in their Queens, New York apartment. 警方发现了六把可操作且已上膛的幽灵枪、攻击性武器、防护装备和八个简易爆炸装置(IED),其中一个装有绊网。 The police found six operable and loaded ghost guns, assault weapons, protective gear, and eight improvised explosive devices (IEDs), one of which was rigged with a tripwire. 除了武器之外,当局还发现了一些笔记本,其中包含有关制造爆炸装置和“与无政府主义相关的宣传”的说明。 Along with the weapons, authorities also found notebooks containing instructions on manufacturing explosive devices and "anarchist-related propaganda". 两人与任何恐怖组织或犯罪组织没有联系。 The pair did not possess links to any terror or criminal group. 对兄弟购买枪械零部件和制造非法幽灵枪的调查正在进行中。 The investigation into the purchase of firearm components and the manufacture of illegal ghost guns by the brothers is ongoing. 皇后区检察官犯罪策略与情报局领导了调查,调查在发现武器前六个月开始。 The Queens District Attorney's Crime Strategies & Intelligence Bureau led the investigation, which began six months prior to the discovery of the weapons.