前 NBA 球员拉简·隆多 (Rajon Rondo) 在印第安纳州因在交通堵塞期间持有非法枪支、吸毒用具和大麻的轻罪而被捕。 Former NBA player Rajon Rondo was arrested in Indiana for misdemeanor possession of unlawful firearm, drug paraphernalia, and marijuana during a traffic stop.
周日,前 NBA 控球后卫拉简·朗多在印第安纳州因非法持有枪支、吸毒用具和大麻等轻罪而被捕,此前一名警察在一次例行交通检查中闻到了大麻的气味。 Former NBA point guard Rajon Rondo was arrested in Indiana on Sunday for misdemeanor charges of unlawful possession of a firearm, drug paraphernalia, and marijuana, after a routine traffic stop in which a trooper detected the smell of marijuana. 37 岁的朗多被带到杰克逊县监狱,并在那里交了保释金。 Rondo, 37, was taken to a Jackson County jail, where he posted bond. 这并不是隆多第一次遭遇法律麻烦,2022 年,他因被指控持枪威胁一名妇女而被采取紧急保护令。 This is not Rondo's first encounter with legal trouble, as an emergency protective order was taken out against him in 2022 due to allegations of threatening a woman with a gun.