64岁的Tim Rozell, 因贩毒在杰斐逊县被捕, Tim Rozell, 64, arrested for drug trafficking in Jefferson County after drugs were found in his vehicle post-traffic stop.
一个64岁的男子,Tim Rozell, 于2024年12月9日在Jefferson县因贩运毒品而被捕, A 64-year-old man, Tim Rozell, was arrested in Jefferson County on December 9, 2024, for drug trafficking after a traffic stop revealed drugs in his vehicle. 当局发现了30克以上大麻、23克可卡因和其他受管制物质。 Authorities found over 30 grams of marijuana, 23 grams of cocaine, and other controlled substances. 逮捕是在公民投诉后行动的一部分。 The arrest was part of an operation following citizen complaints. Rozell被关押在Jefferson县监狱,当局正在寻求关于该案件的更多资料。 Rozell is held in Jefferson County Jail, and authorities are seeking additional information on the case.